I normally go bare faced to workouts as I'm a morning workout person. But for those days when you go straight from work to workout and you still have makeup on you can at least prepare yourself by wearing waterproof mascara to escape the raccoon look so you can focus on your form and not your face. 

Then there's the sting factor. Have you ever had that moment through mid sprint or mid tabata set where your sweat runs into your eyes and it stings so badly that you have to stop to wipe the sting out of your eyes just so you can see again?

Never again will you have to stop what you're doing. Especially if you're mid sprint at 10 MPH on a treadmill at Barry's Bootcamp. After testing some drugstore brands, we've found that the L'Oreal line of Waterproof formulas are sting free. For lush, bold lashes we suggest Voluminous Waterproof Mascara  and for ultra long and full lashes a la "Doll Eye" look, Voluminous Miss Manga. The Voluminous mascara has a thicker, more plush brush that helps distribute product more quickly onto lashes in a clump free formula. Voluminous Miss Manga has a flexible wand to help define and fan out every lash, even the hard to reach ones. This formula allows you to build on layers for super long lashes but it can feel a little drier than other formulas so your lashes may not look as smooth. For this reason I prefer the Voluminous Waterproof Mascara.  

Check back in with us as we'll be posting more reviews on workout friendly products! We're always on the search for new goodies to try out! 

We can't attest to their "no ouch" factor but for more Waterproof Mascara reviews check out Allure's list for a variety of brands here